Apni Gap Shap – 10 Anniversary Issue


Apni Gap Shap – Newsletter

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Apna VIrsa, keep on keeping on!

We’ve been at it again, yet anoth- er non-stop year for Apna Virsa, seeing so many different events and appearances, projects and classes! The organisation keeps on growing, becoming an integral part of the community.

I continue to be amazed at what a few people with passion can do to bring communities together to support each other and celebrate not only our similarities but our dif- ferences.

Enjoy! Billy

Apni Gap Shap – January 2015

Download Our Newsletter

Ladies & Gentlemen

Please find attached the second issue of our annual newsletter … APNI GAP SHAP – January 2016.
This will give you some highlights from last year and information about forthcoming projects, regular classes and activities.
Huge thanks to our lovely Editor, Ms Billy Deol, for taking time out to put this newsletter together. Fabulous job 🙂
We hope you enjoy it and do let us have any feedback.

Best Regards
Bobbi & Seema
Apna Virsa

Apni Gap Shap – January 2015

Download Our Newsletter

We are so pleased to be launching our very first newsletter thanks to the very very hard work put in by one of our new volunteers, Ms Billy Deol.  She spent many hours putting it all together for us, including all the fabulous pictures, so we really hope you enjoy reading some of the highlights from 2014 and seeing what is forthcoming over the next few months.  Thanks again @Billy 🙂

It includes all the details about some of our regular course, including the bhangra courses starting next week, and some new projects.
Not to forget, the forthcoming Lohri Dinner & Dance on 16th January at Riverside Venue  –  another first for us !
Feedback would be very much appreciated as we are looking at making this either an annual newsletter or maybe every 6 months?  What do you think?

We are once again going through the process of cleaning up our database of contacts so if you wish to be removed from this circulation list please do email us and we will action  promptly.  If you receive duplicate copies for any reason, again let us know.

Hope everyone enjoyed a bit of a break over Xmas.

Best Regards
Bobbi & Seema
Apna Virsa